Scripting Overview

To add custom logic to dataflows, you have two options for scripting:


For debugging, you can print output to the block's print property or to the browser console, as follows.

Example: Injecting Custom Javascript

As an alternative to JavaScript dataflow blocks, you can introduce JavaScript into an application using symbols created from IFrames. The basic workflow is as follows:

  1. Create the desired JavaScript file.
  2. Create an HTML file that includes the JavaScript.
  3. Create an IFrame symbol that includes the HTML, and add properties for JavaScript parameters as required.

The following example enables you to control how text is displayed in an IFrame. The key element in this example is the use of the dgUpdateParams function to push parameter changes to symbol properties. To implement the example, perform the following steps.

Step 1: Create the HTML file

In a test project, add an HTML file containing the code shown below.

<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- --> <html> <body> <div class="pulse" style="width:150px;">Hello world!</div> <script type='text/javascript' src='dgframe.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript'> //DEFINE VARIABLES var duration = 500; var header = "Hello world!"; var element = document.querySelector(".pulse"); var animate = { direction: "alternate", duration: 500, iterations: Infinity }; //DEFINE DYNAMIC PROPERTIES var dgParams = { "duration": function(val) { if (typeof(val) == "number") { duration = val; } }, "header": function(val) { if (typeof(val) == "string") { header = val; } } }; //APPLY TEXT AND ANIMATION TO ELEMENT element.textContent = header; element.animate([ {opacity: 0.5, transform: "scale(0.5)"}, {opacity: 1.0, transform: "scale(1)"} ], animate); //DEFINE ON LOAD SCRIPT window.onload = function() { //DEFINE REQUEST ANIMATION FRAME FROM BROWSER window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || function (callback) { window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; })(); //DEFINE WHAT HAPPENS ON LOOP function update() { if (element.textContent != header) { element.textContent = header; } if (animate.duration != duration) { animate.duration = duration; element.animate([ {opacity: 0.5, transform: "scale(0.5)"}, {opacity: 1.0, transform: "scale(1)"} ], animate); } } //DEFINE THE LOOP ITSELF function loop() { requestAnimFrame(loop); update(); } loop(); } </script> </body> </html>

Step 2: Add the JavaScript File

In the same test project folder where you created the HTML file, add JavaScript file containing the code shown below.

// test if a parameter value is dglux table.
function dgIsParamTable(val){
  return (val != null && typeof(val)=='object' && val.hasOwnProperty('cols') && val.hasOwnProperty('rows'));
// interface to the application
function onDGFrameMessage(e){
  var data =;
  if (typeof(data)=='object'){
    if (data.hasOwnProperty('dgIframeInit')){
      dgIframeId = data['dgIframeInit'];
      if (window.parent != null){
        // the first post back shouldn't contain any data change
    } else if (data.hasOwnProperty('dgIframeUpdate')){
      var updates = data['updates'];
      if (typeof(updates)=='object'){
        if (typeof(dgParams) == 'object'){
          for (key in dgParams){
            if (updates.hasOwnProperty(key)){
        if (typeof(dgParamsUpdated) == 'function'){
// push parameter changes back to Solution Builder
function dgUpdateParams(changes) {
  if (dgIframeId != null) {
    window.parent.postMessage({'dgIframe':dgIframeId, changes:changes},'*');
  } else {
    throw 'dgUpdateParams failed, handshake not finished';

Step 3: Create the IFrame Symbol

To define the required symbol, perform the following steps.

  1. In Edit mode, drag the HTML file from the project pane to the stage. An IFrame component is created, displaying a size-changing "Hello World" message. Style it for visibility as desired.
  2. Select the IFrame and choose Convert to Symbol. Assign the symbol a name and verify that the new symbol is listed in the Symbols pane, then delete it from the Stage.
  3. In the Symbols pane, right-click the new symbol and choose Edit. The symbol editing dialog is displayed.
  4. Choose Modify > Edit Properties. The Symbol Parameters dialog is displayed.
  5. Add two parameters:
  6. Click Apply, then click OK to dismiss the dialog.

To verify that changes to the symbol properties are passed to the JavaScript that controls the appearance of the text displayed in the IFrame, add an instance of the symbol to the Stage. To change the rate at which the text moves, set its duration property. To change the text itself, set its header property.